1.  Why do CRWdogs dress so funny?

Be careful where you ask this question.  CRWDogs believe that they are

an extremely well-groomed professional group of people.

Also so they can be spotted at night by air after landing off.

2.  Why don't CRWdogs ever wear matching shoes?

Well, you see, CRWdogs don't always come down with matching shoes.  They

can lose them in wraps, or have people steal them during downplanes (its

amazing how many people try to steal other's shoes.)  Constantly

replacing those shoes gets mighty expensive, so its easier to just keep

the extras in the car, so that when you lose one you can just pick out a

new mate.  (Well, either a new mate for the shoe or a new teammate,

depending on how often this happens.)

3.  They have risers and canopy and all kinds of stuff hanging out of

their rigs.  Don't they know that's dangerous?

Yes they know.  But they skydive for the rush.  Plus if the stuff is

already outside the rig, they'll get open faster and that's an extra

second of working time. 

4.  What's the real reason CRWdogs don't land at the airport?

There are so many reasons to choose from!

A. There's a group that doesn't want anyone to see their landings.

B. CRW is a game of follow the leader.  If the leader (pilot) doesn't pay

attention to heading, no one else will.  Then everyone has a great time blaming the pilot.

C.  You know how airplane pilots talk ...  "Breaker, breaker, incoming at

340"    Well, the CRW people attempt to show pilots that they know a few

things about flying airplanes.  You'll frequently hear the CRW people

hollering, "Where's the winds out of?"  Besides a few chuckles, this gives

the real pilot an opportunity to mess with this stinking crowd, especially

on the first load of the day.  At Quincy in '98 one group was unloaded going

downwind past the landing area.  They landed 18 miles away.  Of course,

everyone took the opportunity to give the spotter, Mike Lewis, a bad time


D. Occasionally a group is chasing gear.  Since none of them have their pro

ratings, this is their only opportunity to land at a school yard or a golf

course.  They return sporting things like parachutes, freebags, and tennis

shoes as trophies.  And when they return, you'd think that they had driven

up in a limousine instead of the back of pickup trucks, squashed into tiny

Geos, in garbage trucks, on lo boy trucks, or in "Stop Truancy" vans.

5.  Help!  A CRWdog just threw his pilot chute in the door of the

     plane.  What do I do?

Grab it, and hand it to the next CRWdog in line. 

6.  What are those bizarre rituals they always do?

Would you rather they sacrificed chickens?

7.  What the heck are they singing?

See the songbook.

8.  10 knives?  Isn't that a bit of overkill?

In case someone stops them from doing their own bizarre rituals, they land

out and go for the chickens.

9.  No deployment bag?  But how do they go to terminal?

The question should really be how do they pack their parachutes.  I

highly recommend that you watch this procedure.  This is extremely

difficult.  Results are mixed.  (Look at how much stuff is hanging out.)

It's a wonder that they don't have more reserve rides.

10.  Why are CRWdogs so obnoxious?

Doing CRW is still skydiving.

11.  How do you recognize a CRWdog? 

See "You know you're a CRWdog when"

12.  Why do you get out at 7500'?

We're afraid of heights.

13.  Why do you pull right away?

Safety.  The most dangerous part of skydiving is not getting a good canopy

over your head before impact.  We take care of that right away, so as

to not take any chances.