1.  Which of the following are valid reasons NOT to do CRW?

a)      You’ve never flown the slot before.

b)      You’re tired

c)      It’s midday on the hottest day in the middle of summer

d)      You’ll be doing a 4-stack post-dive during the TeXXas 20 ways

e)      All of the above

f)        b, c, & d

2.  Preferred CRW canopies have what characteristics?

a)      High aspect ratio

b)      Consistently hard openings

c)      Consistently on-heading openings

d)      Poor flare performance

e)      All of the above

3.  What should you consider when spotting a CRW load?

a)      Winds aloft

b)      Ground winds

c)      Landing hazards

d)      a & b

e)      a & c

4.  CRW exits should be:

a)      Very tight

b)      Head-down deployments

c)      Spaced in time and altitude for safety

d)      Fast because stability is just for RW

5.  The FIRST thing you should do during deployment is:

a)      Control your canopy.

b)      Determine if you have a malfunction

c)      Pump the brakes to speed deployment

d)      Find the formation

6.  Echelons provide:

a)      Safety

b)      Speed

c)      Consistency

d)      All of the above

7.  Who has the right-of-way among the following:

a)      Canopy at far end of echelon

b)      Canopy lurking formation

c)      Formation

d)      Lower canopy

8.  Relative to a formation, where should you NEVER be?

a)      Ahead, 30 degrees from line of flight, at bottom of formation

b)      Ahead, crossing above the formation

c)      Below, with the slot visible under the canopy’s nose

d)      Ahead, on line of flight, below formation

9.  If you lose sight of the formation on approach, use outside front riser.

a)      TRUE

b)      FALSE

10. A perfect dock is:

a)      No momentum

b)      Made from an angle to the side

c)      From above, on center

d)      From below, on center

11. Wraps are most likely to occur with:

a)      Centered docks

b)      Off-center docks

c)      End-cell docks

12. The most challenging dock is typically:

a)      Pilot-pin

b)      8th on an 8-plane

c)      Row 8 wing on an offset

d)      Stinger on a diamond

13. Which are types of CRW emergencies?

a)      Wraps & entanglements

b)      Funnels, collisions & cutaways

c)      Deployment & formation

d)      Single & multiple

14. In a CRW emergency, what actions improve survival odds?

a)      Communication, altitude awareness, practiced planning

b)      Immediately cutting away

c)      Using a hook knife

d)      Quick thinking and actions

15. The first thing to do in an CRW emergency:

a)      Cutaway

b)      Pull out your hook knife

c)      Communicate

d)      Pull your reserve

16. In a typical wrap:

a)      Top person cuts away first

b)      Bottom person cuts away first

c)      Both top and bottom cutaway at the same time

d)      Only the top person cuts away

17. In a typical entanglement:

a)      Top person cuts away first

b)      Bottom person cuts away first

c)      Both top and bottom cutaway at the same time

d)      Only the bottom person cuts away

18. In a wrap, the top canopy often remains inflated.

a)      TRUE

b)      FALSE

19. In an entanglement, the lower jumper usually passes through the lines of the upper jumper.

a)      TRUE

b)      FALSE

20. A jumper in an entanglement, orbiting around the entanglement:

a)      Should cutaway last

b)      Should cutaway first

c)      Should not cutaway

d)      Will not feel any significant forces

21. If the jumper wrapped by your canopy goes limp and fails to respond, you should:

a)      Continue to call altitudes and direction

b)      Pump the brakes

c)      Cutaway

d)      Tell him to cutaway

22. Problems usually occur during:

a)      Docking

b)      Breakoff

c)      Deployment

d)      a & b

e)      b & c

23. USPA recommends a minimum altitude for docking and transitions of:

a)      3000’

b)      2500’

c)      2000’

d)      1000’

24. To prevent or minimize being wrapped, which is NOT effective?

a)      Get big by spreading out arms & legs

b)      Beat the canopy fabric down

c)      Run across top skin if ‘center-punched’

d)      Use your hook knife immediately

25. If the jumper below you is involved in a wrap, you should:

a)      Hold on to them to help them sort out the situation

b)      Cutaway

c)      Drop the wrapped jumper

d)      Listen for heading changes

26. As pilot, your responsibilities include:

a)      Holding a heading

b)      Keeping the formation flying

c)      Keeping your grips

d)      Ensuring everyone can land in a safe area

27. How can you maximize both float and forward speed?

a)      Front riser

b)      Sashay

c)      Brakes

d)      Rear riser

28. The best way to lose altitude without losing distance is:

a)      Spiral

b)      Stall

c)      Sashay

d)      Rear riser

29. Breaking down a formation is a dangerous time because of:

a)      The relatively low altitude

b)      The changes in loading experienced by the formation

c)      The tiring effects of flying in the formation

d)      The possibility of entangled pilot chutes































Canopy Formations Review